On the Subject of the Black Cipher
Black as the world it came from, this cipher will be the end of you.
On the module, you will see 3 screens, a keyboard, 2 buttons with a letter on it, and a submit button that displays the current page you’re on.
Pressing the right arrow takes you to the next page. Pressing the left arrow takes you to the previous page. There is a total of 2 pages.
On page 1, the top screen shows a 6 letter encrypted word, the middle and bottom screens shows a word.
On page 2, the top screen shows a letter followed by 3 roman numerals, the middle screen shows 3 letters, and the bottom screen shows some letter pairs.
Step 1: Modified Digrafid Cipher
For this, you’re going to need the encrypted word on the top screen, and the words on the middle and bottom screens on page 1, and the letters on the 2 buttons.
The middle and bottom screens will be used to make 2 keys.
Using the middle screen word, removing any duplicate letters, removing all 2nd or more occurrences. Take the entire alphabet and remove all the letters shown in this word.
If alphabetic position (A = 1,B = 2...Z = 26) of the first letter of the serial number is odd, put the alphabet at the end of the word.
Otherwise, put the alphabet in front of the word.
This will be known as Key A.
Using the bottom screen word, removing any duplicate letters, removing all 2nd or more occurrences. Take the entire alphabet and remove all the letters shown in this word.
If alphabetic position (A = 1,B = 2...Z = 26) of the last letter of the serial number is even, put the alphabet at the end of the word.
Otherwise, put the alphabet in front of the word.
This will be known as Key B.
The letter shown on the left button above the page number/submit button is the letter that will be replaced by a hash, then add the letter at the end in Key A. Do the same with the right button and Key B.
Split Key A and B into 3 equal rows of 9 letters, left to right, top to bottom.